Thursday, May 21, 2009

Words Not Bullets

The most prevalent type of warfare man has prosecuted throughout history has been ideological warfare. Which King is predominant, which religion is "true", which political philosophy is most effective (or beneficial). The common theme in all of this drama, suffering and conquest has been belief. Conviction. Even, dare I say it, faith.

What has been waged at Anti-Strib blog for many, many years is ideological warfare. Faith is a strange thing. Conservatives generally embrace it. Liberals usually deny it, but cling to it nonetheless. Ideology is the underpinning of what we see ourselves as being. It is the unspoken essence of what we speak, both in public and to ourselves.

Some of us take ourselves very seriously, and in so doing often fail at the most critical requirement of communication: understanding. Strike that. MOST of us are guilty of this inadequacy.

There are always casualties in war. In the current version of ideological war in America, Anti-Strib has fallen. War often seems futile, and many times it is. But ideology is never futile. It is an essential component of the thinking person. It is the definition of all that is learned, all that is hoped for. And it is worth fighting for

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