Monday, June 8, 2009

Survivng The Future

Unemployment is pushing 10%. A 30 year fixed rate mortgage is going to cost 5.5% to finance. Great Leader is taking over the auto industry, the fincial sector, aand he's moving on health care next. The Chinese want the US to start issuing bonds in Yuan, not dollars. Saul Alinsky may have won. You will lose.

Are we as a nation in decline? Europe seems to be swinging back to the Right, but the Democrat party is forcing America farther and farther Left. The debt being created seems not just unsustainable, but truly insurmountable. And it is being placed squarely on the shoulders of our children.

A year ago there was much talk of a North American Union. People were fretting about the Amero replacing the Dollar. Right now I can't imagine Canada wanting any part of that deal. And Mexico? They just want the Southwest back. I doubt they would be willing shareholders in Detroit, Inc.

How do we avoid the coming storm?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Looking At The Wreckage

The skies are so blue in the bright sunlight. It's hard to believe that we're in such a plight.
I remember a few years back how incensed we were that our houshold share of the national debt was a five digit figure. Today, thanks to Great Leager that number tops a half million. And as He said in L.A. last week, "You ain't seen nothin yet".

I shake my head at the intellectual paupers who screamed about the "Bush deficits" and now sit silently as their children are sold into virtual indenture by Hope and Change. The bill may not come due in my lifetime, it certainly will in theirs.

Of course, it's no problem when Mr. Hope and Change drops tens of thousands of our dollars taking the Missus out to dinner and a show. That's what happens in a despotic regime. The despot lines his patron's pockets with the public weal while the nation sinks deeper into insolvency.

So keep smiling, America. Maybe learn some Chinese. You're being robbed blind, but damn that thief looks good doing it.